Marine Karapetyan

The British Council, in partnership with the Children of Armenia Fund, initiated “Empowering Rural Language Teachers and Learners” project with the aim of improving English language teaching and learning quality in rural communities. 

Marineh Karapetyan, who works at secondary School No. 1 in Karakert Village in Armavir province, was among the first teachers who participated in the project. 

After the project, which was delivered over several months, Marineh says that the participation in the programme was not only marked by obtaining new knowledge, but also by gaining self-confidence. 

“Before this programme, I had participated in several others, which just taught us to teach using this or that method. However, as a result of participating in the British Council’s programme I can now take a comprehensive approach to the teaching process. I try to understand the problem, look for solutions and confidently use the methods I have chosen,” Marineh says. 

Despite all this, Marine considers the most important success to be her re-gained commitment to her job: “Teaching in my village’s school used to be a very boring task for me. I had decided to earn a degree in economics and leave for a European country. Thanks to the British Council’s project I now live in the village and work at the village school today with a great joy. I love my job and my students!”